Wednesday, October 22, 2008

MPG vs. KWH/Mile

Do Electric Vehicles really save energy and/or energy costs?

Let's do some math.
  • ICE: With a 19.8 MPG US fleet average at $3 /gallon for gas, that is 6.6 miles per $ or $.15/mile.
  • EV: At 3 miles/kwh average at $.10 / kwh, that is 30 miles per $ or $.033/mile.

Even with conservative numbers for gasoline and electricity, the cost of driving an EV is 22% of the cost of an ICE.

Additionally, a kwh has 3413 BTU so at 3 miles/kwh that's 1,137 BTU/mile. A gallon of gasoline has 114,100 BTU so that is 5,757 BTU /mile. Again, EV is about 20% of ICE.

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